Small Breach Reporting Deadline
Today, February 29, 2024, is the deadline for reporting to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) all "small" breaches of unsecured protected health information (PHI) that occurred during calendar year 2023.
VA Officially Announces One Year Delay of Its Rule to Reduce Ambulance Payments
Some good news to start off the new year in the realm of ambulance reimbursement.
PCR Data Quick Guide (PWW/NEMSIS)
We are pleased to announce the release of the PCR Data QuickGuide: FAQs on Owning, Amending, Retaining and Sharing Patient Care Report Data. Developed by Page, Wolfberg & Wirth (PWW) in collaboration with the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
Malpractice or murder: When do EMS providers cross the line from negligence to a crime?
EMS attorneys Doug Wolfberg and Steve Wirth provide a comprehensive legal analysis of the Earl Moore, Jr. case and the criminal charges against two Illinois EMTs
Body camera video released as 2 EMS workers charged in killing of patient
PWW attorney Doug Wolfberg interviewed on ABC’s Good Morning America’s coverage of the Earl Moore, Jr. murder case involving EMTs in Illinois