Steve Wirth Presenting at OAMTA Conference

Thursday, June 19, 2014 to Friday, June 20, 2014
5605 Blazer Pkwy
Dublin, OH 43017

“Claim Denied!  What the Auditors Say About Your Documentation and How You Can Avoid Make it Better”

Medicare and Medicaid audits are at the highest level ever.  Unfortunately, many good claims get denied during an audit simply because the documentation does not support medical necessity, the level of service, or the mileage to the destination.  Auditors are also denying claims for many “technical” reasons even though you provided the service properly.  Medicare reviewers who audit claims typically do not have ambulance-specific experience and often lack a clear understanding of the regulations and rules.  This session will give examples of actual auditor comments directly from ambulance claim audits – why they were denied and why they are allowed – to help you understand where these reviewers are coming from.  We will use those examples and explain how you can improve your patient care documentation to help keep your “error rate” low if the auditors knock on your door and to help avoid an audit in the first place.

HIPAA on High Energy:  The Audits Are Coming!

HIPAA has announced that privacy and security audits are on the way.  Are you ready?  With the new breach notification rules, HIPAA is now in high gear with more and more health care entities getting hit with big dollar settlements for “breaches” of protected health information.   You can reduce your risk of a breach – and a hefty HIPAA fine – if you know the Top 5 Risk Areas in the ambulance industry and what to do about them.   This session will identify those Top 5 areas and give you take home practical pointers to reduce that risk significantly.  

Columbus Marriott Northwest

Hotel Front Desk: (614) 791-1000

Room cut off date is May 28th - Special room rate starts at $146.00


Wednesday, June18

4:00 -6:00 PM .......................... Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, June 19

7:30-8:00 AM ........................... Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00-8:10 ................................. Welcome and Announcements—Julie Rose, OAMTA President
8:00-8:35 AM ........................... EMFTS – Director Mel House
8:35-9:25 AM ........................... Claim Denied! What the Auditors Say About Your Documentation and How You Can Make it Better—Steve Wirth, Esq.
9:25-10:00 AM ......................... Medicaid, MyCare Ohio—Laura Gipson, Medicaid Ombudsman
10:00-10:35 AM ....................... Exhibits
10:35-12 Noon ........................ Medicare/CGS Updates—Vanessa Williams
12 Noon-1:30 PM .................... Lunch, Membership Meeting and Elections
1:30-2:00 PM ........................... Exhibits
2:00-2:40 PM ........................... HIPAA on High Energy: The Audits Are Coming! – Steve Wirth, Esq.
Are you ready for the privacy and security audits? With the new breach notification rules, HIPAA is now in high gear with more health care entities getting hit with big dollar settlements for “breaches” of protected health information. This session will identify those Top 5 areas and give you take home practical pointers to reduce that risk significantly.
2:40-3:10 PM ...........................Health Transformation Updates —Maria Bianchi, Executive Vice President, American Ambulance Association
3:10-3:20 PM ........................... Break
3:20-4:00 PM ........................... Documentation and Risk Management – Jeff Michalenok will discuss the importance of keeping and preserving documentation. Also, loss prevention for medical transportation risks, in order to control insurance costs
4:00-5:00 PM ........................... So Where Did I leave my Teeth?! — Carolyn VIning
5:30-9:00 PM ........................... Antique Ambulance Care Show and Reception

Friday, June 20

8:00-9:00 AM ........................... Buffet Breakfast/Town Hall
9-9:30 AM ................................ PUCO, Sales Tax Exemptions Discussion—Pete De LaPorte
9:30-10:30 AM ......................... The Ten Essential Qualities – What Really Guides the Effective and Respected EMS Leader.—Steve Wirth, Esq.
10:30-11:30 AM ....................... Innovations in Community Paramedicine—Matt Zavadsky (MedStar EMS, Fort Worth)

Stephen R. Wirth

Attorney at Law

swirth's picture

Stephen R. Wirth, Attorney at Law

Stephen Wirth
Page, Wolfberg & Wirth, LLC
Office 717-620-2681 Mobile 717-319-0989 Fax 717-691-1226
5010 E Trindle Rd., Ste. 202
Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania17050

Steve Wirth is one of the best-known EMS attorneys and consultants in the United States. In a distinguished four-decade public safety career, Steve has worked in virtually every facet of EMS – as first responder, firefighter, EMT, paramedic, flight paramedic, EMS instructor, fire officer, and EMS executive. He was one of central Pennsylvania’s first paramedics.

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