Speaking Engagements

2015 EMS Symposium

HCA Mid-America is hosting its 2015 EMS Symposium, June 16-17 in Kansas City.  Doug Wolfberg will be a featured speaker.  He will be presenting Understanding EMS Law, What's it Like in the Hot Seat, The Ten Best PCRs We've Ever Seen and Hey, This Used to be Fun.  Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.

ZOLL Summit

ZOLL is hosting its annual conference for customers and individuals interested in the latest technology for data managment and improving patient outcomes.  Steve Wirth, a featured presenter, will be discussing effective documentation and how to get your money when the patient’s got a lawyer.  For more information, click here

SD Ambulance Association - 1st Annual Conference

The South Dakota Ambulance Association will host its first annual conference March 5th - 7th in Oacoma.  Steve Wirth will be one of the featured presenters.  He will be speaking on See the Future and Seize the Day; How to Get Your Crews to Document Effectively, and Understanding EMS Law; Paid, Volunteer or Both?  The Legal Aspects of Compensating your Workforce.  To register, click here.
