Provider Post Blog- Disclosure of PHI Without Consent
We often get asked about sharing a patient's protected health information without the patient's consent in critical situations such as an opioid overdose episode.
Provider Post Blog- Signing the PCR
The patient care report is the official medical and legal record of your contact with the patient.
Prior Authorization Extended for Another Year
Prior Authorization Extended Through December 1, 2019
PWW HIPAA Guru Attends National Summit
PWW’s Ryan Stark is on the road again, getting the latest on HIPAA.
What We Learned at the National Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Conference
PWW’s Compliance Queen, Amanda Stark, was in Washington D.C.
abc360 Blog- TPE Audits
The latest, but perhaps not greatest, Medicare auditing initiative is here. The next installment in the alphabet soup of audits is TPE- Targeted Probe and Educate.
abc360 Blog- Proper Payer
Don't fall into a common trap that some ambulance billers encounter. Don't assume that the same billing rules apply to all of your payers.